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We are Ly Company Agua y Vida Foundation
Ly Company Agua y Vida Foundation was born focused on improving the lives of the most disadvantaged, especially minors, as well as protecting and caring for the environment.
Know us
What do we do?
Get to know our projects.
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Colaborate with us
Do you want to contribute your little bit to bring your help to parts of the planet where people cannot access it?
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Solidarity moves us

Fight alongside us for a better world

Social project

In a world where many people need help, we carry out international development cooperation projects, both our own and in collaboration with other organizations. Our mission is to improve lives.

Planet and sustainability

Planet Earth needs a change and the Ly Company Foundation was born to make it possible and contribute, together with everyone who wants to join the project, to achieve a better world.

Do you want to be part of the Ly Company Foundation?


To contribute to the protection and care of the environment, promote projects whose objective is to improve the lives of the most disadvantaged.

We need your help.

Send us your idea

If you can think of another way to collaborate, we are happy to receive new ideas!

Water classroom

Collaborative space in which to promote our values and raise awareness about the current situation we live in the world and the need for change.

Latest news from our blog

Proyecto Árbol de la Esperanza

Tree of Hope Project

Since the founding of the Ly Company Foundation, the first project in which we have collaborated has been the “Tree of Hope” in the Dominican

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Proyecto social

Social project

In a world where many people need help, we carry out international cooperation projects, both our own and in collaboration with other organizations. Our mission

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Do you want to contribute your help?

Thanks to the contributions of people like you, we make social projects possible and in favor of the Planet and sustainability. You join?