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What We Do

Our initiatives are integral to our social and environmental projects.

Social Project

In a world where many individuals need help, the LY Company Foundation spearheads international cooperation projects, both independently and in partnership with other organizations. Our overarching mission is to enhance lives.

Planet and Sustainability

Planet Earth is in need of change, and the LY Company Foundation was established to facilitate this transformation. We aim to collaborate with everyone willing to join us in creating a better world.

Caring for the environment is ingrained in the essence of our Foundation and the LY Company Group. Sustainability and environmental stewardship are fundamental pillars of our mission.

Fundación Ly Company. Logo

Social Projects Undertaken

Prior to the establishment of the Foundation, several projects were initiated with the support of the LY Company Group. Drawing on our experience in national and international development, we have worked tirelessly to uplift disadvantaged areas and communities.

Centro de día en Guayacanes

Guayacanes Day Center

In the Dominican Republic, where we’ve established a Ly Company production plant, we’re committed to building a day center that will later transition into an orphanage. In its initial phase, we’ll provide education, support, basic food, and healthcare to young people from underprivileged families or in vulnerable situations in the municipality of Guayacanes.
Proyecto Niños Tutelados Junta de Andalucía

Project for Minors Supervised by the Andalusian Regional Government

In collaboration with the Government of Andalucia, we’re dedicated to supporting minors under their supervision in child protection centres in Malaga. Our initiative aims to find foster families for over 300 children awaiting placement. Our Foundation´s Godmother, Ruth Sarabia, the delegate of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families, and Equality of the Andalusian Regional Government, is instrumental in this endeavour.

Donación de agua en carreras solidarias

Water Donations for Solidarity Events and NGOs

We’re proud to support solidarity events and NGOs by donating water. Our contributions include donations for events like the Women Against Cancer Race in Málaga and the Solidarity Race Against Childhood Cancer organized by the Olivares Foundation. These initiatives represent our ongoing commitment to making a positive impact in our local communities.

Pozos Sin Fronteras. Logo

“Pozos Sin Fronteras” / Wells Without Borders

Furthermore, we have engaged in additional projects with “Pozos Sin Fronteras” / Wells Without Borders, an NGO of which we are proud members. This organization is dedicated to providing water access to local communities, viewing it as a fundamental tool in breaking the cycle of poverty.

Here are some of the projects we’ve collaborated on:

Implementation of irrigation systems and the establishment of women’s agricultural cooperatives to ensure food autonomy in rural communities in Goubi, Togo.

Enhancement of food autonomy in rural communities in Peni through the implementation of water and sanitation systems, along with the development of women-led agricultural cooperatives in Burkina Faso.

We Reach All These Places

Thanks to your collaboration, we are able to turn these projects into reality. Your support makes it possible for us to reach communities in need across the globe.

Mapa del mundo con las zonas de colaboración

Hogar La Merced (República Dominicana)

Navidades Solidarias

Sistemas de riego y cooperativas agropecuarias de mujeres en Goubi (Togo)

Sistemas de agua, saneamiento y desarrollo de cooperativas agropecuarias lideradas por mujeres (Burkina Faso)

Creación de Orfanato en Yaundé (Camerún)
Pozo en Guayacanes (República Dominicana)